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“F5 Networks” warns of ” Reaper Botnet ” software

F5 Networks warns of Reaper Botnet software
F5 Networks warns of Reaper Botnet software


Reaper Botnet The “F5 Networks” Company today launched a ” Reaper Botnet” warning software that is an upgraded version of the malicious software “Mirai Botnet” which caused major internet disturbances.


The information security company said the software had grown and developed quietly over a whole month during which it spread in many types of Internet-related devices.


F5 Networks warns of  Reaper Botnet  software
F5 Networks warns of Reaper Botnet software


F5 Networks” added The most striking difference between these two software is the attempt by the “Mirai” software to connect to devices through the “Telnet” logon protocol, taking advantage of weak passwords to control devices.


F5 Networks warns of  Reaper Botnet  software
F5 Networks warns of Reaper Botnet software


The company explained that, in turn, the software ” Reaper Botnet” aims to exploit the weaknesses of the non-updated devices to control and add them to the Platform command and control, which means that they can continue to grow, harnessed by cyber criminals to carry out various criminal activities. ”


F5 Networks warns of  Reaper Botnet  software
F5 Networks warns of Reaper Botnet software



Tristan Liverpool, director of engineering systems of the “F5 Networks”, said: “The process of changing and updating passwords is not enough to provide protection against malicious Botnet software, but it is always advisable to do so for all devices connected to the Internet. To stop the spread of these malicious software, all companies and users must ensure that the latest versions of the basic software “firmware” that will provide the security updates required to deal with the software are operational. ”


Given the ability of the “Reaper Botnet” software to control many devices at the moment, F5 Networks warned that they could be used to cause damage to the Internet’s positive users. It also recommended that it should be prepared for the worse, “we still do not know whether the motives of the attackers are to cause chaos or financial gain or to target governments and large companies.”


For companies wishing to protect their businesses, F5 Networks said they should identify sensitive information that should be available in any place and anytime, where security protection can be provided to these key areas, and a plan to deal with emergencies must be developed and disseminated. “

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