iPhone SE

iphone 6 and iphone 6 Plus

iphone 6 and iphone 6Plus phones have kept their iphone phones decent for various users and still make up the best phones for anyone who wants an iphone with a feature its core and its ability to access the famous messaging service age without spending a lot of money, where you can choose between the IPhone model 6is a 4.7-inch display with a price of $450 and an iPhone 6Plus 5.5-inch display model starting at $550, and these prices are very good for high-volume smartphones that offer excellent cameras and features, taking into account that the real age These phones have begun to appear on them.
iphone 7 and iphone 7 Plus

iphone 7 and iphone 7 Plus phones are considered to be of middle class devices but they are ideal for most people, where no one who owns an iphone 7 phone may need or iphone 7 Plus to upgrade your phone to newer versions of iphone 8 phones or iphone 8 plus after, depending on the existence of many features of the Relatively similar, the consumer should buy one of these phones in case he wants to spend a little more than the price of iphone phones 6and the iphone 6Plus as they are newer and it will continue to be updated and receive the latest version of the operating system, i.e., for a longer period of time than previous versions, in addition to those The price of the iphone 7 phone has started from the same price category as the iphone 6plus, which is 550 U.S. dollars, while the biggest version of the iphone 7 Plus is starting at $670.
iphone 8 and iphone 8 Plus

The iphone X is the top and finest phone in the iphone series, which is geared to people who want to get everything and don’t care about the price costs that starts at US $1000, so that the owner of the device gets a new OLED display type from edge to edge and manufactured by Samsung, with Get the new facial recognition technology from Apple that has replaced the home button and fingerprint reader, along with getting the best front-end cameras the background provided by Apple has ever been within a smartphone, the feature of wireless charging and enjoy the new Animoji feature of Apple that may lead to Increase curiosity about the phone by different people, although the phone may be missing the long battery life feature found in iphone 8 and iphone 8 Plus but it offers a lot of features that may make its owner overlook this feature.